What to bring to your meeting?
- Tax return
- Paycheck stub
- Investment statements
- Insurance policies
- Long term care policies
- Balances in all assets and liabilities
- Pension statements
- Social Security Statements
You may not know that we offer a unique service to you at no extra cost! For years, as part of our annual review meeting with clients, we have provided a Post-Tax Return Review! The tax return is a ROAD MAP to help us stay in focus with your FINANCIAL PLAN.
Through careful attention to your tax return, we may be able to determine any changes that may need to be made to help you:
1 .Reduce Taxes and put more income in your pocket!
2. Discuss Ways to help you keep more of your capital gains and possibly tax-harvest some losses (if applicable.)
3. Evaluate whether or not you are withholding the correct taxes for your wages and/or retirement income.
4. Determine if Required Minimum Distributions are being satisfied.
5. Calculate to be certain you are taking advantage of maximums in Retirement Plans.
It’s super easy to get a Post-Tax Return Review. Here’s what you need to do:
Provide a copy of your Tax Return – bring it in, mail it or email it or as your tax-preparer to send it over to us. If using email, be sure to send it encrypted (we can provide a link)
Schedule an appointment
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